Daily Good News -The Rock of Your Identity
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Jul 29, 2015 1430
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16).
Jesus had just asked his disciples a defining questions: “Who do you think I am?” Peter’s answer reminds us that the identity of Jesus is the true basis of Christianity. Likewise, your identity as a Christian is not based on a bunch of personal opinions. It is based on who Jesus is. Because of who Jesus is, the gates of hell will never overcome the people of God.
Everything Jesus did, He did publicly. Christianity is build upon the publicly revealed identity of Jesus Christ – an identity that can be historically attested. Christianity is based on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Christianity grew because there were thousands of people on the Day of Pentecost willing to stand up and testify that Jesus Christ had indeed risen from the dead. That Jesus was precisely who he had always said he was: “the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”
The fact that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, the fact that the gates of hell could not overcome him: this is the ultimate guarantee of his identity, that everything he said, and claimed was true, and that he has indeed died for your sins, and that he is indeed the only way to God. The Christian faith is never blind. That’s why it’s called Christian. Because it has an object, and that object is Christ, who is rock-solid.
You are not defined by your past. You are not defined by your works. You are not even defined by your family. or by the church where you worship. There is only one thing that can define you if you are in Christ. Your identity stands or falls on the identity of Jesus Christ. Depend on that today.
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