Dr. Des Ford interviewing Dr. Eliezer Gonzalez, the new CEO of Good News Unlimited

Jul 18, 2013 1949

Eliezer Gonzalez

Jul 20, 2013

Thank you Bilyana. I am humbled by the grace that has been shown to me that I might preach the Gospel. If the Lord is for us, then who can be against us?


Jul 18, 2013

Eliezer, for those of us who have had the wonderful privilege to sit at the feet of Jesus because of the glorious gospel ministry of Des, Ron and the GNU team, it's an answer to our prayers that the work so faithfully carried on for over 30 years God has now called you to continue. Having had occasion to hear you share your vision, inspiration and goals for GNU's future, I can see that God is in the business of matching talent with need and I believe that God has called you for a time just like this.

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