Dr Des Ford Rests in Jesus

Mar 11, 2019 5086

Des Ford des ford

Dr Desmond Ford, theologian, evangelist and teacher of the Gospel, passed away peacefully in the early hours of this morning. He was 90 years of age and had no fear of death, because he had taken hold of the Gospel which announced assurance in Jesus who, as his representative, had made him perfectly right with God.

I lament that I had but a few short years to walk and talk with this great man of God. He was truly my father in the Gospel.

It was not only through his theology that he taught me, but through his unfailing grace and kindness to those who rejected the Gospel that he loved, and who rejected him with it.

Des Ford was the founder of Good News Unlimited. In recent years, Des entrusted his ministry into my hands. And now I must navigate it through this sad and difficult time.

Among his many gifts, Des was always an evangelist. He rejoiced in the Gospel himself, and he rejoiced to see others discovering it’s joy as well.

We will not soon his like among us again. However, I commit myself, through Good News Unlimited, to continuing the work that Des began.

I am currently in Kiev, Ukraine, preaching, however I will be returning home to Australia in the next few days. Please remember Des’ wife Gill, and his children, in your prayers.

Des rests in the Lord, but his legacy will echo with the grace of Christ, the man who welcomes sinners (Luke 15:2).

Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord…” (Rev 14:13).

Des, we’ll walk and talk some more in the morning.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

Lorelle Hughes

Mar 28, 2019

Dr Des ministered to me from my early teens on. He was instrumental in my understanding of relational issues and grace. He lived what he preached in every facet of his life. Even so sometimes philosophies that harbour error that we’ve been exposed to as children can blind us from the simplicity of the gospel, causing us to carry unnecessary pain and anxiety. I had read his commentaries but after reading “Daniel and the coming King” in 2000, I couldn’t believe the gospel in Daniel. My Dad, a gospel-centred minister in Australia, who had been impacted deeply by Glacier View, protected by the wisdom of his president, Bob Parr, then retiring early to care for my blind mother joined me as we continued our association with GNU. I then had the privilege of studying with Des in my early forties. He confronted me with the impact of the words “He became sin” (“Satan”....really?) after that shock I was able to let the past go and understood “whoever believes...”. Dr Des, I am eternally grateful for your loving and gracious life and ministry. You are a true reformer and I will continue to harvest from the resources you have so freely made available. Until then with unwavering assurance and Christian love, sleep in peace!


Mar 17, 2019

DR.DESMOND FORD! GOOD NIGHT AND sleep well in Jesus Christ. You are simply the best, no matter what the world May SAY about you, with which they already said about our savoir Jesus Christ. You are the Bible hero. Rest in peace, til morning.


Mar 12, 2019

What a friend we have in Jesus !! and what an example of a Christ like life !!. Des You held my hand in 67 and stayed in my heart until it was God's time for you. Sleep in Jesus dear friend.

T.Robert Connors

Mar 12, 2019

WE will all miss him but his hopeful words will live on in our minds

Wolfgang Streich

Mar 12, 2019

Des fue de mucha bendicion desde hace casi 10 años. En Paraguay muy pocos saben la historia de 1980. Pero nunca olvidare la prmera vez que lei la entrevista en el foro ASD. Eliezer. Oramos por ti y este ministerio GNU.

Peter Caran

Mar 12, 2019

Dear Ford family In '80es i had an opportunity to meet with Dr. Ford on number occassions while living in England, listen to his lectures and talk to him. All of us see parts of God and interepret the same in the best way we can and the more we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us the more we align to the community of faith we identify ourselves with so that our community reflects the oneness our triune Lord. I do say that as a pastor who has strong stands and have "wrestled" with the Lord, alike Jacob, and with myself and my church. I am glad that the Lord saves us, and out of gratitude for total salavtion in Him we let Him transform us each day into His likeness more and more. I know you will miss your husband, life companion, father and a friend and in spite of all, may I, a simple stranger, just encourage you to look up to Christ, from whom all comfort comes. Know that the Lord is near those who mourn as He says in the Gospel, but soon our mourning will turn into joy.

Pauline kasaija lubega

Mar 12, 2019

I can't stop thinking about this man of God, DR. DESMOND FORD. I came to know him through YouTube. I have never gone to bed, without listening to his teaching s. A true prophet of our time. I had enough testimony in my life, but l still did lack the real Knowledge about things.DR. DESMOND FORD enlightened me about how to read and understand the bible.l read. and understand the Bible more than l could do before. I am over 50 years of age, I grew up with the Bible and the Sabbath, never ever understood that the Bible was precious book, until I listened to DR. FORD. I have shared his teachings, more than l can tell. I love the Bible. I HAVE loved and cherished DR. FORD, and will for ever bear his memories. He was a Moses, who tried to read God, s children home.The best ever to hook ME on the Bible. The best ever to allow me to feel the HOLY Ghost. I came to understand Gods WAYS. The hidden reasons, why ever something some words in the Bible are still hidden , for only the wise to understand. DR. DESMOND FORD did understand, why some scriptures are still hidden. Like. Daniel. 12:4. Please read. A nd verses 10. DR. DESMOND FORD did what the understand what the spirit is telling us in the book of Revelation 2:17. And Revelation 10;4. Read and understand. A lot is known, yet can't be uttered only to the saints of God. I beg to those who came to know DR. DESMOND FORD. To try and MEET him in that GREAT morning. I will die trying. I am still crying. Today I am home, paying my great respect to this Holy man of GOD. My great love and sympathy to Gill and the children. DR. Gonzales, and his family. The church and all my fellow believers around the world I must give others space. Amen

Dr. Joseph Gwaro

Mar 12, 2019

Jesus only! This is where I met Jesus' gospel, and Des. Since then, my life has never been the same. I have come to know Him (Christ) better and better and the power of His salvation. Des, my family and I will miss you, your deep and well-studied gospel presentations. You made me love Jesus more when I understood that He is a friend of sinners. I wish your family strength in this trying moment. To Des' family; you're in our thoughts and prayers. See you Des before God's throne when we all get to heaven.


Mar 12, 2019

So long friend.... I will miss you... I never met you in person but ever since I discover you, I knew you were something special, a man from GOD. The past 4 years, you been my teacher, my pastor, my mentor, you and Gill are family to us. I bought all your books, downloaded every you tube video I could find, I tell you...your teaching made me study and to became bible hungry to learn more about Jesus Christ everyday. Thank you for your teaching, for Good News Unlimited, for sure...I will meet you at the great white throne. I am happy for you and humanly sad for us.... today as I drove to work... I listen to your teaching as I do everyday... I tell you its barely hitting me that you are gone to be with our merciful God. Thank you friend.... we will pray for Gill, your daughter and sons... I am sad and happy at the same time... good bye from this corner of the world. We will honor you by faithfully continue preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ as you though us. John 14:19 Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live.

Eddie L.

Mar 12, 2019

I had "discovered" Des about 8 years ago through the providence of God. I began drinking in the Good News of the true gospel through his audio and video sermons, books and articles on GNU. I could not get enough! I credit the teachings of this gentle giant, Dr. Des Ford, in bringing to my heart the wonderful gospel of Christ our Lord. I now know that my salvation is secure forever, and anticipate the day when I will talk with Des and thank him for leading me closer to Jesus. Rest in peace great man of God, and may Jesus comfort Gill, his family, Eliezer and all of GNU.

Richard Barcelona

Mar 11, 2019

I Met Des in 1980 and threreafter attended his meetings when he was still here in America. It was his preaching on the Gospel that gave me assurance of God's love. Before then I had a fear of the judgement that made my life insecured. Now I do rejoice in the assurance of the Gospel. May Des rest in peace as I look forward to the coming of Christ to redeem us. I will join Des in the kingdom above with gladness.

Pauline kasaija lubega

Mar 11, 2019

Oh my Heavenly father! I am really sad and yet happy to have known this gear Man of God. DESMOND FORD. He taught me how to read and understand the Bible. He made ME a better person, who believe in God and his son Jesus Christ. He taught me never to worry or dismay whatever be tid. For Christ died for us and rose again.. DR. FORD gave me the confidence needed. I have listened to DR. DESMOND FORD S teaching s on YouTube , every night!. He is still my hero OF THE GOSPEL I was touched, and enlightened by the YouTube topic. "Smiles and tears" the comparison of Moses and Christ. Surely DR. FORD. GO TO SLEEP AS MOSES, AND I SAY GOOD NIGHT GREAT MAN OF GOD. I GET TO MEET YOU AT THAT GREAT MORNING, WHEN THE SAVOIR YOU SERVED WILL AWAKE YOU , ANDNWELCOMES YOU IN HIS ARMS AND SAY. WELCOME, WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT. YOU ARE THE GREATEST IN MY LIFE TIME. GOOD NIGHT AND SLEEP WELL. DR. DESMOND FORD LOVE IN CHRIST PAULINE .L.KASAIJA DENMARK

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