A Drunk Stops Drinking and Starts Believing – Stephen, Andhra Pradesh

Oct 7, 2014 1746

Stephen's sister shares his testimony

Stephen’s sister shares his testimony

In the month of August (2014) I and another pastor went to a lady’s house to conduct a prayer meeting. The lady has a brother named Stephen who was known for being a drunk. All of the lady’s family members were present at the prayer meeting except Stephen, who is married and has three children. His family was there as well.

After the prayer meeting, we started praying for every person individually. Then Stephen’s family members called him for prayer. But he drank and rejected the prayer. We asked him if he believed in Jesus, and he said, “No.”

Pr Joseph Usala

Pr Joseph Usala

Two days later we were called to preach the Word of God in a church that was near to where Stephen lived. After we had finished preaching and praying, Stephen came up to us in the church, crying, and he and fell down and caught hold of our legs, and said, “I believe in Jesus and I will drink no more.” Then he went to his home and called her and his children and we prayed for the whole family.

One month later they called me to come and have a prayer meeting in their home again. There, his sister told me that he is not drinking any more, but instead he is praying daily and believing in Jesus. I thank God that this one soul was saved in the mighty holy name of Jesus.

Stephen’s sister shared this story in the Restoration Good News Center, and it was a wonderful witness for all who heard it.

Pr Joseph Usala

Andhra Pradesh, India

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