Every Note is a Miracle of Grace!
Sep 9, 2014 2668
When I was in Brussels with our Rwandan brothers and sisters in the gospel faith, I was amazed at their singing.
The people attending the meetings would arrive early, and they would just start singing good old hymns and gospel songs. No one was shy. Everyone would would join in. And if there was someone who felt like it, they would stand up and conduct!
They sang with enthusiasm and conviction. And their God-given gift of harmony shone through as they each took found their place in the harmonic tapestry to create wonderful praise to God.
I asked Pr David Kayumba to send me some hymns sung by Rwandan singers, and you can listen to them below and judge for yourself. Isn’t this music worthy of the gospel that these people proclaim?
The singing in the clips below is from a proper choir. However, the music I heard from my new friends in Brussels sounded close enough to the music you can listen to below.
How can people who have suffered so much sing with such joy? It is only a miracle of God’s grace.
By the way, I have also heard word that the interdenominational Good News Choir has been formed in Africa, inspired by the ministry of Good News Unlimited, and ably led by Brother Moses. So I hope to be able to one day soon share some videos or audio files of our very own choir in the great continent of Africa.
Just beautiful voices and beautiful singing. Enjoy the hymns. Here they are! Which ones do you recognise?
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