Good News Unlimited Serves During Covid Pandemic

Oct 1, 2020 1289

Good News Unlimited Serves During Covid Pandemic

GNU has been strongly sharing the Gospel globally during the Covid-19 pandemic. This has been at a time when many other avenues for evangelism have been closed and many churches have been shut. This is one of the findings from our survey for the September quarter.

At a time in our world during which there is so much bad news, it’s reassuring to know that the best news of all is still bringing salvation and transformation to many people’s lives. One of the people who responded said,

“During this period of Covid lockdown, GNU has been the only thing that has kept me connected with God.”

Other comments included:

“The ministry of GNU has changed my life completely. Now I know Jesus as my only hope!”

“I have recently reconnected with my faith. Through GNU’s daily devotions I’ve had many of my questions answered and my faith has been strengthened.”

“The ministry of GNU is a great blessing! My spirit has been renewed and uplifted. I cannot describe how good I feel. I also spend time with street kids discussing the Bible and  see them get excited too.”

“GNU helps me face the challenges of each day with a positive attitude.”

Key Learning

One key learning from the survey was that a significant number of people who responded noted that they would like more stories about how the impact of the ministry of GNU.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

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