Gospel Fellowship Started by Daily Devotional Subscriber

Mar 10, 2019 23758

Gospel Fellowship Started by Daily Devotional Subscriber

Lubega and a number of his friends meet regularly to discuss the Gospel, sing and pray.

It was in 2016 when Lubega subscribed for the GNU daily devotionals through a friend’s email account. He did not own a computer or a phone at that time. He also began making prayer requests via the GNU website, most of which concerned his family who were undergoing difficulties after the parents divorced.

The friend who had introduced Lubega to these devotionals later helped him to meet me when I was in the area conducting a Week of Prayer at a nearby school. From that point onwards he would call me from time to time with questions ranging from theology to family life most of which, he says, were well addressed. After several talks about the Gospel, Lubega began feeling the need to commit his life to Christ in a special way. Through the ministry of GNU, I was able to lead him in this journey, until he was baptised last month.

Since his baptism, Lubega has continued to be a faithful reader of the GNU daily devotionals and he has attracted a number of his friends, with whom he holds regular meetings to discuss the Gospel, sing and pray. They often meet on Fridays in one of their homes for these fellowships.


Lubega began feeling the need to commit his life to Christ in a special way


This fellowship seems to attract attention so that for the last few months he has received a number of invitations by some local pastors to dissolve this meeting and join them. But Lubega and his friends have decided against this as they are not sure that these churches have the true Gospel.

The challenge being faced by Lubega and his company is that they continue to lack teaching materials and Bibles, given that most of them are not familiar with the media and Internet forums. The group numbers around 8-15 and with God’s blessings we hope to begin a fellowship with them and use them as the Gospel nucleus in Kampala and the whole of Uganda.

– Pr Bonifresh Muhollo

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