I Have Given My Life to Jesus Christ! – Nandiwada, India

Nov 25, 2015 1766


These children at the Good News Children’s Care Centre are bringing their Hindu families to Christ.

The Good News Children’s Care Centre in Nandiwada, India, is bearing fruit in all sorts of wonderful ways!

One of the boys who attends the Good News Children’s Care Centre told Pastor Joseph that his aunt was ill and needed help. That kind of request never goes unanswered, and Pastor Joseph visited her and prayed over her. “She was healed,” he reports, “and the next day her mother came and asked me to pray for her and her daughter, who has AIDS.”

Pastor Joseph told the boy’s aunt to bring her daughter to the prayer meeting, where he prayed over her, and asked for the Spirit of God to come into her life. “So now she has accepted Jesus Christ into her life,” he writes, “and she feels better and more happy as a result.”

“I have given my life to Jesus Christ,” says the boy’s aunt. “Every day I praise and thank God for giving me this new life in him.”

– Eliezer Gonzalez and Joseph  Usala

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