If We’re Sitting in Heavenly Places Why Doesn’t It Feel Like It? – Eliezer Gonzalez
- Assurance
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- Christianity
- Dr Eliezer Gonzalez
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- Salvation
Aug 22, 2016 59163

I love the first two chapters of Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians. It’s such a wonderful reminder of our perfect acceptance by God, They tells us about how God sees us as, even while we often struggle on this earth. Chapter 2:4–7 says that,
…because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.
Too often, I don’t live as if this bedrock fact were true: I don’t feel as if I’m seated in heavenly places. Instead, I feel worthless, unloved, and unlovable. How can this be, if what God tells me about myself is true?
There are two natures at war within me: the carnal nature, and the spiritual nature (Rom. 7). I was born with my carnal nature, but God gave me a spiritual nature when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour.
One of the ways in which both of these natures within me reveal themselves is through my feelings. My new spiritual nature that comes from God causes me to have feelings of joy and peace and love. But my carnal nature brings me feelings of unworthiness and fear.
These two natures will be at war within me until the day that I draw my final breath this side of eternity. The question is: which feelings will I listen to? Which feelings will I accept as a reflection of my reality?
Some drugs can be dangerous, and can give us feelings that are entirely wrong, like thinking you can fly. But there’s nothing more dangerous than the drug of listening to the voice of your carnal nature.
God’s word tells me that I am treasured, and that I have been given eternal life, and that he has raised me up to sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
We tend to consider our feelings to reflect the truth. Yet nowhere does Scripture tell us that our feelings are the truth; instead, we are told that God’s word is the truth (John 17:17). And God’s word tells me that I am treasured, and that I have been given eternal life, and that he has raised me up to sit in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
We must learn day by day to shut down the voice of our carnal nature that reminds us how unlovable we are. We must hold on to Christ’s promise, that to all those who trust in his everlasting love,
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand (John 10:28).
The only feelings that we can trust are those that agree with what Christ has promised. That’s why that old verse is true,
Be my feelings what they will,
Jesus is my Saviour still.
Oh yes, if he’s is your Saviour too, then you are eternally cherished, you are untouchable, and you are seated in heavenly places with Christ!
We need to tune in more and more to the still, small voice that reminds us that Christ has valued us even above his own life. One day that still small voice will swell into a chorus of myriads of angels welcoming us home. – Eliezer Gonzalez
Amen the man of God you really enlightened me with the truth, faith and courage towards God
Thank you man of God
Thank you, Because in all honesty i didn't understand the carnal self and it is the reason why my thoughts are sometimes tainted with worthlessness and feelings of unloved. It even made me wonder if I am save. But glory to God for the reminder that ; "For by grace ye are saved through faith, not of myself but it is a gift from God"..
God sent message like this is still needed in my life, family. God bless you sir
Thank you man if God for the words of wisdom and Courage.
Amen man of God am so blessed man of God may God continue to give more reveration
Wow,,,, it's so strong that what the message dorminate inside is deeper than even actual understanding....Alot of Godly hidden righteousness in it.Thank you
this is amazing I love it send more of it
Amen and amen thanks. Am really encouraged by your encouraging words. May God continue using you so that i can continue being with my God and never go back or give up though am passing through a difficult situation in my life but i know that one day things are going to go back to normal
Amen .May God bless you for the good job you are doing . I thank you .
I am greatful to have linked with this' site,as it has brought courage and inspiration to me in a way of me keeping loving my God, knowing very well that this will brings me a complete turn around in my life.
am really very grateful for the gospel may God bless you
Thank you Fallah. As we encourage you, you encourage us, and so the blessing continues. Grace and peace, Eliezer
I am very much greatful for my encounter with this website, I believed that God is going to change my story,my condition and bring my destiny to reactive. I blessed God also for you who has been used by God to encourage someone like me,in Jesus mighty Name Amen.
Thanks for reminding of God's love toward men kind
Am feeling blessed in Christ Jesus who strengthens me?. Amen God bless you for sharing such a nice message
Thank you for this word of confirmation. I have started to experience listening and paying closer attention to this small voice, as you called it. In which God let’s me know through his word how important I am to Him. And I leave all my burdens in His trusting hand. And I’m making it with all I can, to put this as a habit in my life. To listen more or as much to that voice that reminds me who I am for God. Blessings.
Thanks man of God for the words of God, what you are doing is not for nothing I believe God's Angels are on assignment and they are taking record of everything. I'm so blessed in this remote part of the world receiving such encouraging messages from you may God bless and guard you and family. Thanks pastor Banzeo Diahn, Sr. Christ Church international zwedru city Grand Gedeh county Liberia West Africa.
The message is priceless and invaluable. The truth is incorruptible. It is what has begotten us. On meditating upon it, we get so upbeat to live for the Lord God who never leaves nor forsakes us. We represent God's love. We are seated in the heavenly realms with Christ Jesus. What a glorious thing. Thank you for your encouragement, Eliezer.
Thanks man of God you made my day!!!!
Thank you man of God for the word..am really lifted ...thanks
Thank u very much for these sweet words of God u have been sharing with us. May God bless you
I want to say thank you to the Man of God for the wonderful work of preaching the word of God around the world may God bless you abundantly
You're welcome, in the name of Jesus!
Hi Eliezer, Thank you for the words of God you have been sending across the world for winning souls. The word of God is true and the only answer we have is Jesus, as Jesus is the answer. To God be the all the glory for everything. Amen
Thank you man of God for that food of our soul you have given to us so that it may help us to grow strong and firm in spirit in our personal relationship with our Lord Jesus christ. May God bless you.
Thank you very much for sharing this with me. May God give you more grace to do this even more.
God really bless you sir for this insight and now I can know which voice to listen to.
This is really a blessing to me, God bless u and ur family Sir, more strength from above
May the name of our Lord Jesus Christ be praise and really thank God for having access to your emails and this wonderful encouraging words. May He bless you for the good job you are doing
God blesses you to encourege the people and I have conference on 5th september this year uganda I request you to come to teaching to this conference I no God he can do good work to the people God blesses you. Yours faithfu Bishop Kabagambe fred
May the Lord richly bless you according(1Corinthian15:58) for proclaiming His word in Jesus name.
Amen thanks for the reminder Grace and Peace.
Only through the grace and imputed righteousness of Jesus! – Eliezer
Am so much pleased to continue living righteously
I'm glad we can bless each other, Edward. Grace and peace – Eliezer
Amen, This is powerful!! I thank God for what He has done for us in His Son Jesus, and thank God for you too man of God you're a blessing to my life; I'm enjoying the word of God. Thank you?
May our Lord God bless you! Eliezer Gonzalez
whats a touching n a revelation message... God bless u much.
Amen, Terry! May God pour out his blessings on you! – Eliezer Gonzalez
I'm thanksfull to the Almighty God who is superior of my life. We are all redeemed by the blood of Jesus because He love us while we were yet sinners, Christ die for us. Through His holy blood we have been cleansed to live with Him in eternity.
I praise God that he has filled your heart with assurance. Yes, trust in the Lord. – Eliezer Gonzalez
I have been so blessed by this message , Now I know what to really believe in and that is enough, the word of God and not my feelings because my feelings whom I may be thinking are right some times lead me in to sin at last instead of glorifying God. Thank you my friend for the revelation. Yours ,Aaron tata God richly blessings to you.
I am glad that you have been blessed, Alex! Grace and peace in Jesus... Eliezer Gonzalez
Awesome.This is a powerful word of motivation to those of us who sometimes fell down as to whether we are being carnal or spiritual.Your intutive words has made my day.
Thank you Grace, and may that anointing include you as well!– Eliezer Gonzalez
God bless you Sir. More anointing in Jesus name Amen.
You're welcome in the name of Jesus, Benjamin!
Thank you Eliezer Gonzales for all your daily devotion you're sending to me. Praise be to God. may God continue to bless you and your family. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Amen.
да, "мы смотрим не на видимое, но на невидимое."Не теряйте надежды. Придерживайтесь своей веры в Иисуса. Благодать и мир, Элиэзер
16 Поэтому мы не унываем; но если внешний наш человек и тлеет, то внутренний со дня на день обновляется. 17 Ибо кратковременное легкое страдание наше производит в безмерном преизбытке вечную славу, 18 когда мы смотрим не на видимое, но на невидимое; ибо видимое временно, а невидимое вечно. 2 послание Коринфянам 4 глава – Библия
1 Итак, нет ныне никакого осуждения тем, которые во Христе Иисусе живут не по плоти, но по духу, 2 потому что закон духа жизни во Христе Иисусе освободил меня от закона греха и смерти. Послание к Римлянам 8 глава – Библия: https://goodnewsunlimited.com//bible.by/syn/52/8/
You're welcome, John! Grace and peace in Jesus – Eliezer
Am really Grateful on this enlightenment. God bless you with more inspirations in jesus Name,Amen!
You're welcome, Lucy. Who you feel you are is not who you are. You are who God says you are. Grace and peace – Eliezer
Thanks alot for the share, the wonderful encouragement in the journey of faith. There are moments that I feel so down, so wretched so fragile and I remein in a world of wonder whether really I have a reason of being, I don't understand myself anymore especially when am in this condition I feel God to be so far away from me, his love is unfelt, what could I be happening?
Very true!
Above all,, we need the grace of God to dance to the tune of heaven, we can do nothing without his grace,, just his grace,, for it is written,, (( shall we continue in sin that grace may come?? )) and there was a reply (( God forbid )) but we can not just seat and wait for grace, we need to hunger for it, ask for it, and prepare for it,, because GOD GRACE is the only fast solution to whatever we seek .
Amen, brother!
The word of the lord is true and the word has change my life and give me courage,thank to the Almighty father only you has the glory
You're welcome, Josephine. Be blessed in the Lord!
AMEN...Such beautiful encouraging words a true blessing thank you brother Eliezer.
You're welcome. Be blessed!
Thank you for reminding me of this truth...truth keeps me walking in freedom
These are important observations, David. Thanks for your comment here.
How we feel is not of importance, because feelings can not be trusted. Our understanding causes a reaction to stimuli, both external and internal stimuli. The Holy Spirit is given us to guide us into all truth, He will tell us and convict us of sin and direct us into the righteousness of the new "born again" creature we are intended to be. If He is convicting us of our sin, do not grieve the Holy Spirit by ignoring His guidance. It is for our benefit, Jesus died to free us from serving sin, the Holy Spirit will help us to develop the heart and mind of Christ and be conformed into His image. John 3:3 KJV "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Being born again is about the death of the old man and the birth of the new man in Christ. How can we be born again if we continue to serve sin. In this who we are is very important, if we are to live in the perfect gift of God.
Dorothea Bharathi
May 31, 2021
Dear Eliezer GOnzalez, It's my pleasure to receive the first God sent mail to my inbox, thank you so much. I am happy for your enlightenment and encouragement for taking away the feeling in me of being unloved, well let me tell you about what I have learnt in the school a proverb "Virtues all agree but vices fight on one another." the theme it goes this way Biblicaly, with your neighbor, Typical virtues include courage, temperance, justice, prudence, fortitude, liberality, and truthfulness. Vices, by contrast, are negative character traits that we develop in response to the same emotions and urges. Typical vices include cowardice, insensibility, injustice, and vanity. All this matters just as you said about being carnal to be of sinful thoughts are contrast to vices and spirituality is being virtuous, being saved and be born again in spirit and truth to be saved to attain the kingdom of God for our eternal life which is obtained as a free gift bec of our faith that is GRACE unto salvation and live a sinless life. Exodus :34:6:Isaiah:11:1-3:Hosea:2:19-20 Micah :6:8: Luke :6:20-26:Romans:12:9-21: etc.,