Jesus’ Final Words
Feb 16, 2017 1919
Radio Version:
Jesus’ Final Words
I have some relatives overseas. Some of those relatives are elderly. When we say our goodbyes, I know I might never see them again. Our final words can mean a lot.
Jesus said some final words as he was dying on the cross and this prayer was part of that:
“Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they do.”
Because he died for the sins of the world, Jesus wasn’t only thinking of the people who physically crucified him. He was thinking of a lost and broken world.
He wasn’t thinking of himself. He was thinking of you.
He understands how hard it is for you. He understands your mistakes.
Sometimes we doubt God. Sometimes we question whether he even thinks about us. At those times, remember Christ’s words at the cross. Those final words were important. Those words spoke forgiveness for everyone who believes. Those final words were meant for you.
Jesus’ final words were spoken for you.
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