Jesus Is Unbreakable
Mar 5, 2017 2709
Radio Version:
Jesus Is Unbreakable
Have you heard of “planned obsolescence”? That’s the idea that everything is sold with a “use-by” date, by which time it starts to fall apart. It’s meant to make you buy another one. A conspiracy theory? A fact? It probably depends on your own experience.
I hate it when my stuff breaks, especially when it’s a gift from someone I love. But, with time, wood splits, metal rusts. Everything, even relationships too often seem to fall apart.
If only there was something that was totally unbreakable – something we could hold on to!
Well, there is. The Bible says that,
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
I love that, because it tells us that no matter how much brokenness is in your life, Jesus is unbreakable. And if you build your life based on a relationship with Jesus, you’ll be unbreakable as well.

No matter how much brokenness is in your life, Jesus is unbreakable.
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