Jesus Makes the Table Bigger

Feb 16, 2017 3302

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Jesus Makes the Table Bigger

When my fiancée and I sat down to plan our wedding reception, we were limited by a budget. It wasn’t easy to work out who we should invite.

Jesus doesn’t have the issues we had when working out who he wants to invite.

He told a story, and in the story, the Master represents God. He tells the servant to invite increasingly more and more people, and when he’s run out of good people to invite, he starts inviting increasingly unworthy people. The amazing thing is that there’s always still room for more.

As the invitations increase, It’s like he just makes the table bigger!

We love to welcome the good, but we are a bit hesitant about the “bad” aren’t we? That was Jesus’ point. Jesus Christ has made his table big enough for all.

If you’re ever tempted to feel like there’s no room for you at Jesus’ table, think again! Everyone’s welcome!

Eliezer Gonzalez

Jesus Makes the Table Bigger

There is room for you at Jesus’ table!

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