Lives Transformed by the Good News Unlimited TV Programme in India

Apr 1, 2015 2488

watching tv in indiaHere is some feedback we have received recently about how the Good News Unlimited television programme  is transforming lives in Andhra Pradesh. This half-hour programme is broadcast weekly and is presented by GNU’s speaker, Pr Joseph Usala.

The messages are translations/adaptations of the gospel messages of Des Ford, Eliezer Gonzalez, and GNU’s team of gospel speakers. Since this is not an English-speaking area, Pr Joseph has translated these messages into English with some further editing by myself – Eliezer

S. Joseph

I am very very happy about the Good News Unlimited television programme. I am very much interested to watch your programme with my family. It is so much blessing to me and to my family. I have been learning about the Word of God and your programme gives so much spiritual strength to me and my whole family.

– S. Joseph, Andhra Pradesh, India

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M. Susan and Her Husband Prakash

We are both very much interested to watch and listen to the messages on the Good News Unlimited television programme. We have been listening to every programme for weeks. By listening and watching your programme we have been growing very spiritually closer to God. Before, we had some problems in their family. But watching your programme we are in peace and we are very, very happy in Christ.

– M. Susan and husband Prakash, Andhra Pradesh, India

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I have been listening to your television programme. I have so many financial problems. Please pray for me.

– Subharao, Andhra Pradesh, India

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I have been watching the Good News Unlimited television. I like your messages and am very much interested to watch. By watching your programme, my family problems are getting solved.

– Mary, Andhra Pradesh, India

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Kiran and His Family

By watching your progarmme, we are now coming to the Restoration Good News Centre prayer meetings. We have been very blessed by God there. We are Roman Catholic and we want to come and join with the work of your ministry. Please pray for us.

– Kiran and Family, Andhra Pradesh, India

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