Mangamma’s Testimony: She Learned About Jesus by Watching Her Friend’s TV
Jun 16, 2021 1889

Mangamma learned about Jesus?
Mangamma is a 62-year-old woman who has no one and lives in a hut in S.T. Colony in India. She was born and brought up in a Hindu tribal family. She did not know about Jesus and her parents and grandparents did not know about Jesus. Her tribal people go from place to place to look after the animals and do not stay in a particular place.
So this old woman when she was 16 years old married a man and lived with him and had four children. Her husband died and all the children married and went away to far places and left her alone in the village. She has no place to stay. So she has been living on the bank of the river in the hut.
She learned about Jesus by a GNU TV Program
Mangamma accepted Jesus when she was 55 years old. It happened like this. She became sick and no one was there to take care of her. She went to get help from a friend house. There she happened to see the GNU TV program. Then she accepted Jesus in her life and she took baptism and now she is so happy in Christ.
Remembering Deuteronomy 31:8 when Mangamma says,
“I have been living in the poor condition in the hut and no one has been taking care of me. Only Jesus loves me and gives me daily food and health. I am so much thankful to Jesus with whole my heart!”
– Pr Joseph Usala
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