Mercy Trumps Judgement

Oct 11, 2019 1987

Radio Version:

Mercy Trumps Judgement

I used to be a high school teacher, and I remember my very first day of teaching. There was this one girl who tricked me during the last class of the day so I’d let her leave early. She has just wanted to go home early, and I was a bit naïve.

The next day, I asked the same girl to come and see me after class. She was pale and trembling as she stood before me, wondering what harsh punishment I would inflict on her.

She was remorseful and apologised. I gave her a lecture, and then went back to my work. She just stood there, waiting. I looked at her again and told her that we’d finished. She asked me in a small fearful voice, “But aren’t you going to punish me?”

In life, it’s a regular dilemma: should forgive or should we judge? But the Bible incredibly says,

mercy triumphs over judgment.

Remember: Mercy wins. Every time. 

Eliezer Gonzalez

Mercy Trumps Judgement

Mercy wins every time.

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