New Churches Are Under Construction As The Gospel Continues to Spread in India

Feb 3, 2022 1196

New Churches Are Under Construction As The Gospel Continues to Spread in India

Viewers of GNU TV in India have donated land to build two more Christian churches, so precious souls in needy villages can learn the precious message of the Gospel.

And that’s only part of the story! In the last two years, God’s warrior in southern India, Pastor Joseph Usala has built five more churches, and another three are under construction. These simple buildings are testimony to the power of the Gospel to give hope to people who previously had none.

They are called Good News Divine Centres because the services they reflect the full spectrum of Christianity and Pastor Joseph’s commitment to a practical gospel—one that demonstrates Jesus’ principle of “Feed my sheep.” The people to whom he ministers are poor; they receive simple food along with the message of the Gospel.

These churches are testimony to the power of the Gospel to give hope to people who previously had none.

So committed to this work is he, that he takes out personal loans to build the churches. They are simple, functional and cost-effective structures that will hold around 55 to 60 people. He also continues to establish care centres for the old, neglected and most needy in the community.

He has been training the group of volunteer lay Pastors, who have stepped up to help him in his ministry, which has grown too large for him to manage alone.

Pr Joseph continues: “Where we have built the churches, there are many people whose lives have been changed by accepting Jesus. Drunkards, prostitutes, people young and old without purpose, hope or joy in their lives have been transformed in Christ. These churches help and inspire them to keep faith in Jesus, even in the face of trouble caused by local populations hostile to Christianity. I pray that we can do more for Jesus.”

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