GNU Update and an Appeal

Mar 11, 2013 2642

GNU Update and an Appeal

—Dr Desmond Ford

February 15, 2013

Dear Friends,

This is both a news note and an appeal for your help.

Our present office at Tweed Heads can only accommodate a few people and thus fails us in our desire to invite many to come and hear the gospel. It has other disadvantages also, so Good News Unlimited has searched for a more suitable centre. We think we have found one—near to the heart of the Queensland population. It is at Milton, Brisbane, opposite the railway station and easy to access. Nearby, there is adequate parking space and also a park-like area where folks can eat their lunch if they wish. We are leasing this office area as it has the great advantage of an adjoining auditorium that can accommodate over 120 people for weekly meetings.

I have been taking regular meetings for ten years at Peachester. Through the Internet these meetings are available anywhere in the world for would-be viewers and listeners. These live broadcasts will continue but from 2pm on 30 March 2013, God willing, I will preach regularly at Milton instead of Peachester. Ron Allen and others will also take meetings at our new venue.

We will be privileged to have professional Christian musicians volunteer leading a time of worship at each of these weekly meetings. Also, we would like to hear your ideas in terms of the program. It is our desire to serve you at these weekly meetings. We envisage that the program will develop over time as we have input from you all. Although the auditorium will be available to us from 9:00 a.m., each Saturday, at this stage the program will commence at 2:00 p.m. and finish at 4:00 p.m.

But all these plans are useless unless you, our gospel friends, do all you can to help us. Advertising is expensive, and so I ask you to prayerfully consider what you can do to bring people along when you come. You all have friends. They will be grateful to you throughout eternity if you bring them in touch with the good news of Christ.

Most of human activity is mere fidgeting when Judgment Day is taken into account. The time and effort we put in for the gospel will be our crown of rejoicing in that great Day. As we draw near to life’s close we may have many regrets—but we will never regret what we have done in gratitude for our Saviour. Scripture says, ‘Compel them to come in’ (Luke 14:23). By your friendship and love ‘compel’ those without Christ to hear the words of life.

For your care and prayer I thank you.

Your friend and brother

Des Ford
Rom. 8:28-39


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