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Oct 15, 2015 1517
If God is for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31).
When David said, “by this I will know that God is for me”, he had decided to trust God regardless of how things turned out. His logic was that if God wanted him to live then there was absolutely nothing that could destroy him. He proclaimed in bold confidence, “In God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me?”
The Life Application Study Bible makes the following statement regarding the theme of Psalm 56: “Trusting in God’s care for us in the midst of fear. When all seems dark, one truth still shines bright: when God is for us, those against us will never succeed” (2005, p.885).
As human beings, we will all experience moments of anxiety and fear. But it is during these moment that we are to acknowledge our human weakness and rely on the power of the almighty God. The Apostle Paul most likely had Psalm 56 in mind when he penned the following words of courage to the early Roman Church, “If God is for us, who can be against us” (Romans 8:31, NIV).
The Great Evangelist C.H. Spurgeon wrote the following declaration that applies to all of those who commit their hearts to Jesus Christ: “I am immortal till my work is done.”
There is absolutely nothing that can stand between us and the will of God for our lives while we are trusting in His wisdom and power. Let us be like David and train our minds to trust God no matter how horrifying the situation may seem to our physical senses.
God delivered David from certain death, and He will do the same for those who trust Him. Even if He allows us to suffer and die for His glory then we can be assured that we have an eternity of blessings in paradise that will never be taken away. Our pain here on earth is temporary, but the rewards of trusting God’s plan for our life are forever.
~ Stephen Beagles (used with permission from Shamea Ministries
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