GNU Radio Content

Unlimited 60 Sec Radio Devotions

Radio listeners are desperately looking for some good news in their lives. And now Good News Unlimited has designed a 60 second devotional to reach today’s busy people in a time-poor world with simple Gospel content.

Produced by Malcolm Pollard and presented by Dr Eliezer Gonzalez, Unlimited is a daily devotion that’s topically relevant, evergreen, and positive. The program avoids the doctrinal, social, and ethical issues that might often complicate the simple truths of His Word. The message of God’s unlimited love is spoken in everyday language, directly impacting lives because it’s understood fast.

Episode 48: Odd Socks

Episode 67: God Has Given You Everything You Need 

Episode 163: Unimportant Stuff

Episode 208:  The Great Invitation

The Big Question 3 min Spots

Everyone has questions at some stage or another. 

Dr Eli Gonzalez answers the big questions asked by non-Christians and seekers about God and faith in a positive and relevant way. These weekend spots are simple enough for all the understand, yet challenging and encouraging enough for those who are serious about finding answers. When there’s finally answers, Word Spreads Fast.

Episode 1: Does God Really Exist?

Episode 5: Do Scientists Believe in God?

Episode 10: Why Doesn’t God Reveal Himself to Me?

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