Sharing God’s Love With “Untouchable” Villages and Communities
Jul 5, 2019 1782

Eliezer Gonzalez and Pr Joseph gave food to people in the community.
Earlier this year, Eliezer Gonzalez, as well as several friends of GNU, were able to visit Pr Joseph and his ministry in India. As part of this they were able to accompany him to visit some of the villages and communities where he preaches the Gospel and cares for the people.
One of the places they visited was a community outside the village of Nandiwada, a place where people who are considered very “untouchable” live. The community is made of huts built on a strip of land on the side of the road. The people who live there have nowhere else to go, as they are unable to buy land to build homes on. This is because they do not have enough money, and even if they did no one would sell to them.
When they were there, Eliezer and friends met with the people in the community. They were also able to visit their church, which is a hut like the rest of the buildings. This is the place where Pr Joseph preaches the Gospel and where believers gather to worship God.
He not only shares the Good News of God’s love through preaching, but also through kindness
While they were there, Pr Joseph and Eliezer also handed out food that they had brought as gifts. This included things as simple as oranges so that the people could eat fresh fruit.
This is one of the many “untouchable” communities that Pr Joseph visits and ministers to. He takes seriously the calling to care for those considered least in society. He not only shares the Good News of God’s love through preaching, but also through kindness such as giving the poor food, clothes, and blankets in wintertime.
– Ella Rodionoff
I have just read all of this weeks posts and am amazed at the work of GNU. With Gods help you are certainly achieving much - schools, churches, centres. I am a monthly contributor but am unable to figure out GNU’s structure and how you can do so much with what I understand is a very limited staff. Brilliant work. Praise God.
Eliezer Gonzalez
Jul 8, 2019
Thanks for your faithful support, Stuart! It is God's work. It amazes me too! - Eliezer