Starting Again

Sep 13, 2017 2773

Radio Version:

Starting Again

One of the things I’ve become really good at in my life, is starting again. That’s because I’ve had to do it so many times, with relationships, new places where I’ve lived, new jobs, and so on. In fact, I reckon that we all get to be pretty good at starting again, if we’re going to survive and keep going at all!

Where would we be without new starts: sunrises, birthdays and new babies in the world!

Jesus had a friend called Peter, and Peter wanted to get some brownie points with Jesus. So he suggested to Jesus that he might be prepared to forgive someone even up to seven times. But that didn’t impress Jesus at all. He said to him, “Not seven times, but seventy times seven,” by which he meant, that there was no limit to the forgiving and renewing power of God. Remember: In Jesus, you always get to start again. And that’s really good news!

Eliezer Gonzalez

Starting Again

There’s no limit to the forgiving and renewing power of God.

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