The Message of Grace

Jun 8, 2017 1640

Radio Version:

The Message of Grace

You’ve probably heard it said that all religions are the same. But is that right?

Grace is what sets Christianity apart from every other religion and philosophy in this world. That God actually favours the undeserving is not taught anywhere else except in the Christian faith.

If we’re honest, we all have to admit that none of us have the ability, within ourselves, to be the people we want or need to be.

The core message of Christianity is, in the words of the Bible, that:

The grace of God has appeared for the deliverance from sin and the eternal salvation for all mankind.

All other religions are basically the same in their approach: “Help yourself and God might help you” or “If you do the right thing, God will do the right thing by you.” Only the Christian message of grace says: “God helps the helpless,” and at the end of the day, that’s the religion I need!  

Eliezer Gonzalez

The Message of Grace

Only the Christian message of grace says, “God helps the helpless.”

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