The Perfect Church – by Eliezer Gonzalez

Apr 6, 2016 2662


Imagine the perfect church.

The perfect church will have the perfect church building – the kind that is so pretty that it appears in post cards.

The perfect church will have a perfect lawn at the front, and a perfect garden.

When you walk into the perfect church you will see that everyone is warm and welcoming. Everyone is smiling. It is like being with your best friends all the time.

Of course the perfect church would have a perfect pastor. He will be a great speaker.

All of the leaders will be perfect as well – perfectly suited to their roles. Everyone will want to come to the perfect programs they organise.

By the way, the perfect church will have perfect music. There won’t be any disagreements over that.

Can you imagine the perfect church?

Everyone is able to invite your friends and neighbours, because everyone always fits in and feels at home. Everyone wants to join the church once they find out what it’s like.

The perfect church has great people in it. There are never fights or disagreements over anything. Everyone just agrees and gets on well.

I hope you’re imagining the perfect church. Because if you ever found it, I can tell you one thing: you’d never be allowed in.

There is no perfect church, because there are no perfect people.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

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Apr 7, 2016

The perfect church by. Eliezer Gonzalez When Christ came on earth, he found what on would call a church today. People went to synagogue to worship, those not worthy according to the so called faith at that time, would not even have food on the Sabbath day, just incase they didn't have money to buy food before the Sabbath eve, they would den be hungry, until the Sabbath was. Over. What a church. There are so many different churches in the world, among them, Sabbath keepers. Each of them claims to be the best of all ages. Each one of them has it's rules made from twisted words from the bible. James 1:27 tells us of the truth and of the true religion. Encouraging words in Romans 8:14-16. Thank you Dr. Eliezer Gonzalez and Dr. Desmond Ford with you team for letting the holy spirit lead you Iam always humble and blessed to read from your writings May the almighty god bless and keep you. 1 Corinthians 2:9 Thank you In Christ with you great servants of the most high. Pauline

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