The Voice From the Heart of Darkness

Oct 11, 2019 2190

Radio Version:

The Voice From the Heart of Darkness

We all expect to see the good in the bright and happy times. But what happens when all we see is darkness?

Life seems full of contradictions.

The Bible says that when the Children of Israel reached Mt Sinai, the mountain was covered with clouds and darkness. Yet it was there that they heard the voice of God!

Around fifteen hundred years later, there was darkness on a hill outside Jerusalem. That hill was truly the heart of darkness, for it was there that the Son of God brutally died as a victim of the hatred of this world.

But from there, came the greatest revelation of God ever given to this world. From the heart of darkness they heard the voice of God from the heart of darkness announce mercy for the world.

Darkness was defeated by love.

Remember, listen for the voice of God, even from the heart of darkness.

Eliezer Gonzalez

The Voice From the Heart of Darkness

Darkness was defeated by love.

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