
Sep 8, 2017 2741

Radio Version:


Some things, you don’t forget!

I came second in a trivia competition at school. The prize that had been announced for the runner-up was a music CD. I won that CD fair and square in front of the whole school, but they never gave me the CD. To this day I don’t know why.

But that’s just trivial!

In the years since then, I’ve learnt that the unfairness of life goes much deeper than that. I’m sure that you also have experienced how unfairness seems to be the rule rather than the exception.

That’s why it’s good to know that there is a God who will one day make all things right. Knowing that also encourages us to actually work against unfairness and for justice. Because we know that God will make all things right, we want to help bring about as much of that fairness and justice today. Remember: Unfairness will end. So play fair!

Eliezer Gonzalez


God will one day make all things right.

Help Spread the Good News

Eliezer Gonzalez

Sep 9, 2017

May you receive strength and courage in the name of our Lord also!

Iris Misquitta

Sep 9, 2017

I am a Catholic,born in Mumbai,India. Our ancestors were non-Christians but,were converted to Christianity by the ,French,British,Spanish,Portuguese,etc.They built churches in many parts of our country,especially along the coast.This took place centuries ago! As time passed by,many more people accepted Jesus as their Saviour! They saw the good work that,was being done by the missionaries and began,to spread His Word.I pray that,Jesus blesses them for their good work and,gives them,the strength and courage to continue His good work!

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