Unlimited: The Blessedness of Righteousness Apart from Works

Jul 8, 2022 1094

Unlimited: The Blessedness of Righteousness Apart from Works

David says the same thing when he speaks of the blessedness of the one to whom God credits righteousness apart from works (Romans 4:6).

The apostle Paul has brought out the “big gun”; that is, the example of Abraham. He is going to come back to Abraham. But in the meantime, he brings his second witness to the reality of justification by grace alone: King David.

David is an interesting example of righteousness for Paul to highlight. God calls David,

a man after his own heart (1 Sam 13:14).

Was this because David was a righteous man in terms of his obedience and commandment-keeping? Unless you know the story of David’s life, you might be tempted to think so, for doesn’t God, after David’s death, refer to him as,

my servant… who kept my commands and followed me with all his heart, doing only what was right in my eyes (1 Kings 14:8).

David enjoyed the blessedness of righteousness apart from works.

The human reality about David’s life was that he was both an adulterer and a murderer. It wasn’t just the sinful actions that mattered, but more importantly, they emerged from a sinful heart. These realities tainted his record. We all have a sinful heart. That’s why there is no blessedness in the righteousness of works.

But David enjoyed the blessedness of righteousness apart from works. This was a righteousness that he didn’t work out in his life, but which was credited to him by God.

Spiritual Application

What is the character in the Bible (apart from Jesus) who most encourages you with regard to your own forgiveness and salvation before God? Why? Share it with someone who needs to know.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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