Unlimited: Care For The Poor
Dec 7, 2021 1951

Remember the poor (Galatians 2:10, KJV).
Why does God allow so many of his children to be poor? He could make them all rich if he pleased. There is no necessity that they should be poor, except that he allows it. He could supply them, but he does not choose to do so; he allows them to suffer want, he allows them to remain poor and unnoticed. Why is this?
We can never understand God’s reasons fully. However, I believe that one reason is to give us, who are favoured with enough, an opportunity of demonstrating our love for Jesus. If there were no needy people in the world, we would not have the privilege of demonstrating our Christian love, by ministering with our gifts.
It may be that God has given us this opportunity to prove that our love for him is more than words, and that it extends to our fellow men as well—a love not in word only, but in deed and in truth.
Remember the poor.
If we truly love Christ, those who are dear to him will be dear to us also. That extends to “the world”, for we are reminded that “God so loved the world…”.
So let us consider it a privilege, not a duty, to help the poor of the Lord’s flock—remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, “Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.” All we do for his people is graciously accepted by Christ as done to himself. – Charles Spurgeon (adapted)
Eli’s Reflection: What do you have to do with the poor? Do you avoid them? Do you go to where they are? Are you regularly involved in serving them in meeting their needs?
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