Unlimited: Christ’s Mighty Resurrection Power

Dec 9, 2021 1557

Unlimited: Christ's Mighty Resurrection Power

I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead (Philippians 3:10, NLT).

In Italy is the centuries-old grave of an unbeliever. Before he died, he ordered a huge stone slab for his grave to prevent him from being raised from the dead if there was, after all, a resurrection. The sign announced: “I do not want to be raised from the dead. I don’t believe in it.”

A hundred years later an acorn had pushed through the slab and grown into a towering oak tree. A visiting minister asking himself, “If an acorn, which has power of biological life in it, can split a slab like that, what can the acorn of God’s resurrection power do in a person’s life?”

When you know Christ you will experience his mighty resurrection power.

This story, told by Tim Keller, highlights a powerful truth. When you know Christ you will experience his mighty resurrection power. The apostle Paul talks specifically about the resurrection of the dead at the last day, but also about how that certainty changes our present reality. When, by faith, we accept Christ’s death and resurrection on our behalf, this empowers us to press on towards the heavenly prize (Philippians 3:14).

Today, the mighty resurrection power of Christ is shed abroad to all who believe; to all who are righteous through faith in him. There is nothing that can keep a Christian down, not now, or certainly not on the day of resurrection! – Eliezer Gonzalez

Reflection: Is something getting you down today? Reflect on your favourite Bible passage about the resurrection, or listen to a great worship song on that same theme. Don’t let this thing get you down, because Jesus is alive, and he has overcome for you!

Help Spread the Good News

Eliezer Gonzalez

Dec 10, 2021

Hello Regina, We don't produced printed versions. Grace and Peace, Eliezer

Regina Drakos

Dec 9, 2021

Where is the prayer that is attached to the bottom of the story in the printed version? I would prefer to receive the printed version.

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