Unlimited: Jesus Asks Us To Let Go
Oct 8, 2021 1505

Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles… fixing our eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:1–2, NIV).
I hate letting go. I don’t like letting go of old clothes, familiar places, and people I know. I hate letting go of the things that I like and people whom I love.
However there are things that all of us need to let go of, and these are often the things that we hold on to with all our strength. C.S. Lewis wrote:
Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.
I remember when I was five years, and I had to learn to let go of one bar to grab the next one. It was frightening! Years later I looked at those same monkey bars and thinking of how puny they were. Why? Because I’d grown!
Jesus calls us to let go.
Christ calls us to let go of the fears and failures of our past – our pain, our hurts, and our betrayals. Christ calls us to let go of who we thought we were before we met him. Because all of those things stand in the way of our becoming who he has called us to be.
Letting go is one of the most painful things in the world. But not letting go is even worse. Your future in Christ is much better than your past. – Eliezer Gonzalez
Reflection: Someone once said that for the unbeliever, this world is as good as it gets, but that is you believe in Christ, this world is as bad as it gets. Reflect on this. How does this change your perspective on life?
Infact to let amurderer of children,a father, mother, relative and your future go z not easy but it takes spiritual maturity.
Sandy nagy
Oct 9, 2021
Each year My eyes watch the oak trees As the summer comes to an end, It's green leaves loose their colour Turn brown They're now dried and crinkled From the cold temperatures That the fall now sends. Yet the majority of the leaves Remain on the oak, Throughout the winter season The leaves remain Until spring arrives These dried up leaves Begin to fall off When new buds Begin to poke. I watch for it and wait for it It happens each year, This dieing off and growing principle Is as spiritual words to my ears.