Unlimited: Jesus Heals a Blind Man

May 3, 2024 2394

Unlimited: Jesus Heals a Blind Man

They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him. He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, “Do you see anything?”

He looked up and said, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.”

Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. Jesus sent him home, saying, “Don’t even go intothe village” (Mark 8:22–26, NIV).

Jesus performed a very interesting miracle at Bethsaida. It’s interesting that Jesus gently led the blind man by the hand to a place outside the village.

The crowd was in the village. Who knows what they thought of this man? Typically, people with disabilities were considered to be cursed by God and scorned. And out of respect for this poor man, Jesus brought him to a quieter place away from the crowds. It’s a beautiful picture of the gentleness of our Lord.

And again, we see the intimate nature of the healing that Jesus brings. As unhygienic as it might seem to us. Jesus spits on the man’s eyes and puts his hands on him.

Unlike other healings that Jesus performed, this man isn’t instantly healed. For some reason, this man needed special care. And at first his sight is only partial. He looks around and people look to him like blurry trees walking around.

Jesus has to put his hands on him again before his eyesight is completely restored. And then Jesus sends him straight home, telling him to not even go into the village where others might see him.

This man had been very wounded by the cruelty of life, and Jesus took special care of him.

We’ve all been wounded by sin, by life, and by other people. Sometimes we wonder why God doesn’t work a miracle and heal our hearts immediately.

By this miracle, Jesus demonstrates how he sometimes needs to heal our wounds gently and over time. We need to be patient and allow him to do his healing work in our hearts.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: What are the wounds that you’ve suffered in your life? Are you willing to let Jesus in, to start your healing journey?

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Jan 2, 2021

God love is overwhelming I thank God for Jesus my lord for hearing my soul cry out to him oh how I love Jesus the son of God for coming into my life with his song and praise that gives me great Joy to praise his holy name Jesus son of God Amen.


Jan 2, 2021

Amen God love is overwhelming I thank God for Jesus my lord for hearing my soul cry out to him oh how I love Jesus the son of God for coming into my life with his song and praise that gives me great Joy to praise his holy name Jesus son of God Amen.


Jan 2, 2021

I give all of me to God he knows my wounds I speak his words out of my mouth I bow down to God and ask him to receive all of me in his name sake thank you my lord amen?

Tony Berrigan

Jan 1, 2021

So good. God's love for us is out of this world overwhelming. Thank you Lord.

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