Unlimited: Jesus Will Not Give You Up

Jul 22, 2020 1527

Unlimited: Jesus Will Not Give You Up

…his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22).

The story of the Last Supper, recorded in John 13 begins with the Lord washing the feet of the Twelve, not the Eleven. If I’d been in charge, it would have only been eleven. I wouldn’t have washed Judas’ feet, knowing what he was about to do.

As a tide continually surges onto the beach, so the love of Christ repeatedly comes against the heart of the sinner. Christ even washes the feet of the man who is going to sell him for thirty pieces of silver.

If Christ could wash the feet of Judas, if the tide of his redeeming love could beat against that hard heart again and again, will he ever give us up because of our failures and our follies, however weak we may be?

Judas thought he was strong. The more we know about ourselves, the weaker we know ourselves to be.

If Christ could plead with someone so set on evil as Judas, the traitor of the Twelve, is he going to give us up? Surely, if Christ can love like that, then his compassion will not fail for us who are weak, often foolish, and too often straying.

Des Ford (adapted)

Eli’s Reflection: Whatever may be your past, today is a new beginning. Today the love and mercy of Jesus is washing over you. Judas failed to respond. How will you respond? Take some time now to immerse yourself in Christ’s love, and determine to acknowledge it in how you live your life today.

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