Unlimited: The Mark of the Kingdom is the Presence of the King

Jan 20, 2025 1390

Unlimited: The Mark of the Kingdom is the Presence of the King

For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself. (Romans 14:7, NKJV).

[The Kingdom of God] is that spiritual state in which the life of God and of heaven is made accessible to men, and they enter into its enjoyment here on earth. If we ask what its marks are we find the answer in the wondrous change we see in the life of the disciples.

The mark of a kingdom is the presence of the king. With the Holy Spirit, Christ came down to be with His disciples as really, and more nearly, than when He was with them in the flesh. The abiding nearness and fellowship of Christ, and in Him, of God the Father, is the very central blessing of the Kingdom….

Does your life show the presence of the King?

The mark of a kingdom is the rule of the king… Our entering into the kingdom means our being brought into a life in which God rules over all… and all the blessedness that reigns in heaven finds its counterpart here below….

The mark of a kingdom is power… Just think of the work those simple fishermen dared to undertake … Think of all that God did through them, and see how the coming of the Kingdom brought a new power from heaven by which feeble men were made mighty through God, and the slaves of Satan were made God’s holy children. – Andrew Murray

Reflection: Does your life show the presence of the King? Are you daily inviting him to be present in your affairs? What’s your plan going forward?

Help Spread the Good News

Okurut Martin

Feb 1, 2022

I welcome the reign of the Lord in my life.

Hugo Metu Joel

Jan 29, 2022

I've been really blessed and touched by this message...

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