Unlimited: Motivated by the Cross of Christ

Feb 2, 2025 1266

Unlimited: Motivated by the Cross of Christ

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me (Galatians 2:20, NIV).

One of the main things wrong with this world is the lack of right standards. The multitudes think that murder, even the mass murder which we call war, is okay; rape is okay, including rape of the mind and soul by propaganda and pornography and twisted media; theft is okay, from family, employers, neighbouring territories or other people.

This lack of standards springs from the failure to worship, and to see the priorities of reverence, adoration, and holiness. These failures are a result of the greatest failure of all: the failure to meditate upon the Cross, that most terrible of all tragedies and yet most glorious of all triumphs.

Motivated by the cross of Christ

Your behaviour, as the poet Matthew Arnold says, is to be “three-fourths of life,” but the other fourth is the motive power of the three-fourths. A train is much longer than the locomotive, but the locomotive provides the driving power. A building is much higher than the foundation, but the foundation is essential. A tree is much larger than the root, but the root gives life to the tree.

The Cross of Christ is the ‘locomotive’ that provides the power, the ‘foundation’ that secures the building and the ‘root’ that gives life. All Christian behaviour springs from a heart that is daily transformed by the vision of the Cross. – Des Ford (adapted)

Reflection: In your spiritual growth, do you tend to focus more on your behaviour or on the Cross of Christ? How do you think things might change in your life if you focussed more on the Jesus and what he achieved at Calvary for you?

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