Unlimited: No Favouritism
May 18, 2022 1196

For God does not show favoritism (Romans 2:11).
This was a very surprising statement for early Christians to make. The apostle Peter had earlier said the same thing (Acts 10:34–36.) The reason why this was so radical was because the whole premise of the society of that time is that the gods did have favourites. The god of each particular city looked after the citizens of that city and no-one else. They had their own gods.
Even the premise of Judaism in the time of Paul was precisely that God did show favouritism. God has his “chosen” people to whom the promises had been made. While non-Jews (i.e. Gentiles) could benefit by their association or even affiliation with Judaism, they could never be Jews themselves. Even Gentile proselytes to Judaism were essentially second-tier believers, and excluded from the blessings of Israel. But Paul tells them that God does not show favouritism.
God shows no favouritism.
Many Christians today, like the Jews, also believe that God shows favouritism. Some believe that a certain church or denomination of Christianity are God’s special, privileged people, or that God chooses to save some people or not others. Other people believe that Christians who adopt a specific kind of religious lifestyle receive God’s special blessings while other Christians don’t. Another form of this kind of thinking is even that God loves believers more than non-believers.
Spiritual Application
Have you ever been tempted to think that God shows favoritism: either that he favours others above you, or that you or your church are favoured above others? If so, either of these wrong thoughts discredit God and merit repentance.
Okurut Martin
May 19, 2022
Sincerely this snarios are there where some people think the God will judge in there favor even when they are wicked and some think since many shall be caught an awear at the return of the Lord. They think that they will over power God and his ministry angels. Sorry it will be too late for them.