Unlimited: Not Under the Law But Under Grace

Jul 9, 2020 2152

Not Under the Law But Under Grace

For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace (Romans 6:14).

We do not work to the Cross but from the Cross. The power of sin is never removed till the guilt of sin has been taken away (Romans 6:14). Our actual experiential freedom from sin comes as we bask in the forgiveness of God.

Our gratitude and love for God’s great gift become a torrent, washing away our defilement. As we sense that we are not under the law but under grace, as regards our acceptance with God, we receive freedom over the habits that have long bound us.

Not Law But Under Grace

We come to recognise that the Law is a perfect standard of righteousness, but we acknowledge that it can never give us a perfect standing.

The Law is not even a means of sanctification except as it drives us to Christ and indicates what the will of God is. The New Testament shows a decided opposition to law – not to the law as a standard, only to the law as a method.

The justification I have received covers my past, present, and future (See John 13:10; Romans 8:1; and 1 Corinthians 1:30). The Christian should not look upon himself as being continually in and out of grace because of his mistakes and failures. He or she is “accepted in the beloved” and “complete in him”.

– Des Ford (adapted)

Eli’s Reflection: What does Des’ statement that “We do not work to the Cross, but from the Cross” mean to you? Think carefully about your own Christian walk. Are you truly working “from the Cross”, or is there an element in your life of working “to the Cross”? Experience the freedom of being “Not Under the Law But Under Grace”

Help Spread the Good News

William Armour

Jul 13, 2020

We have amazing freedom in Christ.

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