Unlimited: Slandering the Gospel

May 31, 2022 1395

Unlimited: Slandering the Gospel

Someone might argue, “If my falsehood enhances God’s truthfulness and so increases his glory, why am I still condemned as a sinner?” Why not say—as some slanderously claim that we say—“Let us do evil that good may result”? Their condemnation is just! (Romans 3:7–8).

Paul here accurately captures the attitude of many people who take sin lightly and justify themselves in continuing to sin. They say,

“OK. I accept that I’m bad. But why should God condemn me for that? After all, that’s all I know how to be! Rather, shouldn’t I just give up and keep doing evil? My sin is giving God an excuse to be forgiving and gracious, isn’t it?

The idea that the Gospel gives people a license to sin a slander against God.

Paul calls the idea that the Gospel gives people a license to sin a slander against God. Paul is responding to the fact that he was accused by his enemies of teaching precisely this, and he tells us that condemnation of those who think or act in this way is just.

A godly mentor in the Gospel once told me that you’ll know if you’re preaching the Gospel right, because you will be accused of “antinomianism.” That means, being against the law. This isn’t because you will be against the law at all, but because your emphasis will be on the grace of God.

If you are accused of preaching or talking too much about grace and faith, then you are in good company, because the apostle Paul was accused of precisely the same thing, as Rom. 3:8 demonstrates. Take heart, because it means that your emphasis is right!

Spiritual Application

Which one do you tend to speak more about: grace and faith or obedience and performance? What might this tell you?

Eliezer Gonzalez

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Olivia Jeter

Jun 1, 2022

In my life I rather talk about faith and grace cause it fills me whole and it keeps my heart mind and soul in the most up right in the present of God and his teaching though his apostle amen.


Jun 1, 2022

In my life I rather talk about faith and grace cause it fills me whole and it keeps my heart mind and soul in the most up right in the present of God and his teaching though his apostle amen.

Okurut Martin

Jun 1, 2022

We are not at all permitted to sin again in anyway but we are counted as righteous of God. Continuing to sin is like underrating and underminding God's grace.

Okurut Martin

Jun 1, 2022

Paul asked aquery about sin . should we continue to sin so that the grace abound?. Certainly not ! We are not permitted to sin at all. We are accounted as righteous of God.

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