Unlimited: Stumble and Recovery
May 19, 2023 748

Again I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! (Romans 11:11a).
The apostle Paul has just quoted harsh words from Psalm 69 and applied them to Israel. You might be led to think that those Israelites who had rejected the Messiah had fallen beyond recovery.
But there is no one who can fall in their lives beyond recovery. There is no one who can fall so low that they are beyond the grace of God. Jesus taught that,
…every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven
It seems odd to me that while the main point of Jesus’ teaching here is that every sin can be forgiven, so many Christians use this verse to highlight the idea of the “unpardonable sin” (though no such expression is found in Scripture). Thus, they choose to emphasise the words:
…but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven (Matt.12:31.)
There is no one who can fall in their lives beyond recovery.
Blasphemy against the Spirit is simply the rejection of the Spirit’s offer of God’s forgiveness. It is an unwillingness to be forgiven.
Most of the Jewish people in Christ’s day had rejected him, abused, tortured, and crucified him, yet forgiveness was offered to them also (Acts 2:23–24, 37–39.) If you were to ask the apostle Paul if there is a sin that cannot be forgiven, his answer would be found in Romans 11:11.
Not at all!
Spiritual Application
There are many people today who reason, “If I cannot forgive myself, how could God ever forgive me?” But they forget that God is far more loving, merciful, compassionate, and powerful than we could ever imagine. Does this apply to your life? Is it time for you to surrender your sin fully to God and accept his forgiveness?
Wow. I am really blessed by this inspiring message. God always forgives but our inability to seek for forgiveness is rebellion against the Holy spirit. What a great insight? God bless you for reminding me of this once again.
Mahama Nayi Yakubu
May 19, 2023
This is a great exhortation and inspiration for me . I now know that all sins can be forgiven by God. All Christians can accessed this by simply seeking for for pardon from God and total surrender of our lives to Him . God bless this ministry the daily impacts made on the òf people all over world