Unlimited: Those Who Work Hard for You

Dec 28, 2023 518

Unlimited: Those Who Work Hard for You

Greet Mary, who worked very hard for you (Rom. 16:6).

We can’t be sure who this Mary, often referred to as “Mary of Rome,” is. There are many “Marys” in the New Testament, and with good reason. Mary was one of the most common names for women of a Jewish background. Within Palestine, over 22% of Jewish women were named “Mary.” Outside of Palestine, over 4% of women of a Jewish background were named Mary. This suggests that the Mary to whom Paul refers may have moved from Palestine to Rome.

Throughout Christian history people have speculated that this Mary may have been the mother of John Mark, whom we know had a connection with Rome, and who wrote the gospel of Mark. Others have suggested that Mary of Rome is Mary Magdalene. However, all of these identifications are purely speculative.

What stands out about Mary of Rome is that, as Paul says, she “worked very hard for you.”

What stands out about Mary of Rome is that, as Paul says, she “worked very hard for you.” Furthermore, if the order of Paul’s greetings gives any indication of those whom Paul wishes to particularly highlight, it is significant that Mary is greeted ahead of Andronicus and Junia, whom Paul calls “apostles.”

Mary may not have had a title of a position, however those who lovingly and faithfully serve, and who are often forgotten by others, are upheld as the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Spiritual Application

Can you think of someone who works hard serving your own Christian community? Why don’t you find a few hours this week to work alongside them, even if it may not be in the area of your particular gifting. They will deeply appreciate it and you may learn a thing or two yourself!

Eliezer Gonzalez

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