Unlimited: True Religion is Heart Work
Mar 4, 2019 1644
Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully (Psalm 24:3–4, KJV).
Do you hope to ascend into the hill of the Lord? Many professed Christians treat good works with contempt; if so, they will receive everlasting contempt at the last great day. Outward practical holiness is a very special mark of grace.
If our hands are not clean, let us wash them in Jesus’ precious blood, and so let us lift up pure hands unto God. But “clean hands” are not enough, unless they are connected with “a pure heart.” True religion is heart-work. Our hearts are more truly ourselves than our hands are. The very life of our being lies in the inner nature, which is why purity is required within. The pure in heart shall see God, all others are but blind bats.
The person who is destined for heaven “hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity.” Every person has their joys, by which their souls are lifted up. Does the world satisfy you? Then you have received your reward in this life. Enjoy it, because you will know no other joy.
The one who will ascend the hill or the Lord has not “sworn deceitfully.” The saints are people of honour still. The Christian’s word should be his only oath, and it should be as good as twenty oaths of other people. – Charles Spurgeon, adapted
Eli’s Reflection: If our hearts are more truly ourselves than your hands are, then what does your heart say about you? Right behaviour can only come from right belief. A changed heart will produce a changed behaviour. How do you believe that God sees you when you trust him?
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