“Untouchable” Woman Finds Jesus After Christian Stranger Saves Her Life
Aug 14, 2020 1979

Saramma first heard about Jesus from a man who saved her life when she was seriously ill and left for dead. She learned more about Jesus and accepted him into her life through watching the GNU TV Programme.
Saramma lives in the village of Peyarru, India. She had been born and brought up in the poorest of the poor tribal family. She and her husband’s main daily work was catching rats, snakes, and frogs to eat and live by. They used to roam about going to various places without having a house or proper clothes or proper food. Both she and her husband had the habit of drinking daily.
Many years back Saramma’s husband died due to sickness and she was left alone. Her children married and went somewhere she did not know. So she did not know what to do with her life. She started living on the bank of the river under a tree. Later she built a hut with bamboo sticks by herself.
One day she became seriously sick and she started walking towards a hospital but she fell down onto the road. No one looked at her or cared for her. So she was on the road for hours.
“Jesus sent a man who took me to the hospital.”
By the grace of God, one man who believes in Jesus helped her and took her by rickshaw to the government hospital where she got full treatment. The man who took her to hospital shared with her about Jesus and told her to believe in Jesus in her life and then he went away. She was Hindu and she knew only idol gods and she had never heard about Jesus or the Holy Bible.
When she returned to the hut where she was living she starting thinking about Jesus. And one day she was at another house working with a house cleaning job. The family that hired her believe in Jesus and watch weekly the GNU TV Programme. So this poor widow happened to see the GNU TV Programme and heard about Jesus.
After she had been watching the GNU TV Programme and hearing about the Holy Gospel, she accepted Jesus into her life fully. Now she is so happy in Christ Jesus and prays daily and lives in her hut. She is so healthy and able to do her work. She did not know how to read or write but she is so eager to hear and watch the GNU TV Programme to know more about Jesus. She says,
It is Jesus who gave me new life. I thought that I died on the road when I fell sick. But Jesus sent a man who took me to the hospital. After knowing Jesus my life is full of happiness and joy and I never became sick after that. Though I am an old woman I do daily house cleaning works and live like that. I am so very thankful to Jesus for giving me another life.
– Pr Jospeh Usala
Cherry Pie Ishikawa
Aug 18, 2020
I am blessed with her story, Jesus does work wonders!