Victors Over Temptation

Jun 8, 2016 2103

Get out of here, Satan,” Jesus told him. “For the Scriptures say, “You must worship the Lord your God
and serve only him.” Then the devil went away, and angels came and took care of Jesus (Matthew 4:10).

Christ’s temptation was not our temptation. The devil tempted Jesus about our Lord’s mission. We are never tempted to turn stones into bread, to jump down from temple pinnacles, to receive the kingdoms of the world. We are not Saviours of the world.

The First Adam was challenged by the devil. The Last Adam challenged the devil. (Jesus, you’ll remember, was driven into the desert by the Holy Spirit.)

When the First Adam lost out, he involved the whole world in his ruin. When the Last Adam won, he involved the whole world in his victory. We don’t have to surrender to temptation. By believing in Christ, we can be the victor over every conscious temptation that comes to us. As we exercise faith, the victory is already ours!

It’s wonderful to know Christ has defeated the devil. Looking to Christ we can be victors over temptation.

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