We Are The Harvesters

May 18, 2016 1701

Jesus called his twelve disciples to him…and sent them out with the following instructions: ‘Do not go among the Gentiles or the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. As you go, preach this message: “The kingdom of heaven is near.” (Matthew 10:1, 5-8).

Jesus himself answered the initial need for harvesters by sending out his own disciples. He told them to take the gospel first of all to the Jews who were waiting for the Messiah. He had come to set up his eternal kingdom by his death on the cross and resurrection from the dead.

Every generation and every culture have a need for harvesters to reap the grain and bring it into the Lord’s barn. Just as Jesus harvested his disciples and commissioned them to be harvesters themselves, so we have the responsibility, not only to win souls for the Lord, but also to teach and commission them to be soul winners.

How great is the need in your area? Do you see a harvest ready to be reaped? Perhaps it is a harvest of disillusioned young people; perhaps it is a harvest of people fed up with their empty and unfulfilling church services. Or, maybe it is a harvest of people who are rebelling against the despicable elements of their culture.

Share the gospel with them; the gospel that reveals Jesus loves them and died for them so that they could have an eternal home with him in paradise; a place free of the problems that plague our world.

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