When God Overturns
Jan 14, 2019 7323

We like it when God agrees with us. We don’t like it when God overturns our plans. But if you have placed your life in his care you should expect that there will be times when he will bless the path you have chosen, and there will be others when he will overturn his plans for his glory and for your own good.
When I was finishing my first degree at university, I travelled with my brother and parents to Spain, the country of their birth. For me, it was like the first time I had been to Spain (I had been there only as a baby), and I fell in love with it.
My mum and dad decided that our family would move back to Spain from Australia. So, when I returned home to Australia, I started making preparations. I did extensive research about returning to Spain for Spanish emigrants. I had all my documentation translated into Spanish.
This all took some months. Then, when I approached my mother and father again to tell them that I was ready, they told me that they had decided not to go, and that we would be staying in Australia. I was bitterly disappointed. All my plans had been overturned.
In the Bible, God presents himself as the one who overturns:
I will overturn, overturn, overturn (Ezek 21:27, KJV).
When God overturns, it is always for our own good.
Because I believe that the lives of God’s children are directed by him, it was he who overturned my plans. I don’t know why. But certainly if I had moved to Spain, I would never have met the beautiful lady who is now my wife, nor had my children, nor would I be serving God in ministry as I am now.
Sometimes when God overturns, he overturns the plans of those who want to harm you. However, he also overturns our plans at time in order to lead us along the right paths.
I believe that God’s will for our lives is not some single life-path that is set in stone. I believe that God works through our own decisions when we choose wisely and surrender to him. God has a million different ways to work out his will for our lives no matter what paths we may choose. However, sometimes, our choices can be so far from God’s path for us that he must intervene and overturn.
Whatever the reason may be, whenever God overturns, although we may not understand it at the time, it is always for our own good. When God overturns, it may cause us distress, but if we knew everything that God knows, we would choose no other way.
We need to have the kind of relationship with the Lord that we are open to his disagreeing with us. If we want to truly surrender to him and serve him, we must be willing to allow him to overturn our plans. No matter how cherished your plans may be, or the loss that you may suffer, nothing can ever match the blessedness and peace of knowing that you are walking in the middle of the Lord’s path for you.
– Eliezer Gonzalez

Thanks very much my dear Eliezer for your encouragement story. I pray God help me not to learn on my own understanding but in everything acknowledged you so that you can direct my words, thoughts and actions. From Selma
Amen, sometimes i pray to for a particular blessing at a particular time, but He doesn't give it to me at that appointed time and then i become discouraged. But thank God for this article and now I know i should always entrust my plans in the hands of the Lord.
Amen...,,God knows what's good for us we mostly look down on Him when he doesn't grant what we want forgetting that he has better plans ahead of us let's learn to accept when he overturns. God Bless
Thank you for your encouraging story. Truely God is everything, no matter what the circumstances is, God is all and in all, Amen! Julie
An all - inspiring and relevant article! Amen!
Thanks Eliezer. I personally many things have been overturning hence blaming the good Lord that's before I was saved. I love to tell you that what ever happens its not by accident its by God's plan. Take an example if you purposely force your self to some thing you won't get good results let's allow God to do things according to his will. James
Amen... indeed God shall overturn until his perfect will for our lives is done.
How Awesome to be reminded over and over that HE is in Control of every moment of my day and life. Amen to this.. " When God overturns, it may cause us distress, but if we knew everything that God knows, we would choose no other way." I choose NO other way. Blessings And Praise be to our Glorious Lord and King. Thank you kindly Liz
Anthony O
Apr 18, 2020
God bless you for a deep insight into plans,purposes and pursuits.