Where Jesus Died
Feb 16, 2017 3108
Radio Version:
Where Jesus Died
I love to visit churches, especially in Europe. I once drove from the Netherlands through Brussels, and right into southern France, just to visit churches. And I did it all in a weekend!
Is Christianity just about some pretty old buildings? Not at all.
Jesus didn’t die in a quiet place like a church, but beside a busy road. And we must all eventually face him and his sacrifice.
Jesus didn’t die under the roof of a beautiful temple, but under an open sky. He died for all, and his sacrifice knows no walls or boundaries.
Jesus didn’t die between two beautiful pieces of art, but between two wretched criminals. He showed us that he could think of no better place to be than with the broken and the lost.
The message of Christianity is an open invitation to you and to all – to believe, and to live.

Where Jesus died shows us that he could think of no better place to be than with the broken and the lost.
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