Your Greatest Ambition

Jun 5, 2018 1947

Radio Version:

Your Greatest Ambition

When I was a teenager, my ambition was to have a body that rippled with muscle, with a rock-hard six-pack to match. I failed at that, but it’s OK, because now, I’ve discovered the greatest ambition of all! It’s an ambition that is within the reach of all of us. It’s not a new one. The apostle Paul expressed in Romans 15:20:

It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known (NIV).

Most people have heard about Christ, but few actually know him. And you can’t really share Christ unless you’ve first experienced how good he really is for yourself!

Sharing Jesus, through your kindness and generosity, and yes, even with your words, is absolutely the most fulfilling ambition—one that will satisfy you for all eternity! Remember: There’s no greater ambition that you could ever have in this life than to share Jesus with others.

Eliezer Gonzalez

greatest ambition Your Greatest Ambition

There’s no greater ambition that you could ever have in this life than to share Jesus with others.

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