You’re Invited Into the Father’s Love

Sep 16, 2019 3734

You're invited into the Father's love

Jesus wants to draw you into the bond of love that he shares with the Father.

During the walk from the Upper Room to Gethsemane, Jesus gave his disciples his most important teaching. He opened the mysteries of heaven to them. Here is one of his statements to them, a statement that is so incredible that you might consider it heresy, if it wasn’t in the Bible. 

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you (John 15:9).

God is before all things. God existed before creation. But God has never existed alone, because above everything else,

God is love (1 Jn 4:8).

It’s impossible to love without having someone to be the recipient of your love. That’s why God has existed from infinity past, and before creation, as a plurality: a community of love : the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

It is this very love that defines God himself, and that compels God to continually create in order to share this love with others. I’m not talking about the love between friends, or the love between lovers. I’m talking about the Source of all that is good and the Source of all love.

To understand the staggering implications of what Jesus said in John 15:9, ask yourself these questions:

  • For how long has the Father loved the Son?
  • What are the limitations on the Father’s love for his Son?
  • How much does the Father withhold from the Son?

And here Jesus is inviting you into that divine community of love. He says, “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.”

This is mind-boggling!

The Father has already made you worthy through the Son

Of course, your first thought, like mine is, “But I could never live up to that. I’m unworthy. I’m unclean.”

Jesus knows what you’re thinking, and so, he says… and look it up if you don’t believe it… it’s in verse 3,

You are already clean.

This is a very strange thing for Jesus to say. Within a few hours all of his disciples will have abandoned him, and would be hiding, quaking in fear for days. One of them, Peter, will have denied him, with curses, three times. And none of them understood what Jesus was about. How could he say that they were already clean when they were so completely flawed!

Jesus has his mind on the cross. That’s why he says, “You are already clean.” And what means is that you don’t need to be worthy to enter into God’s love, God has already made you worthy through the Son! Even when you feel dirty, when you look to what Jesus did at Calvary, God sees you as clean!

That’s how God can invite you into the eternal divine community of love. Jesus wants to draw you into the bond of love that he shares with the Father. It’s the greatest invitation ever extended to anyone on this earth. And God is patiently waiting for your reply.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Kwia Dennis

Sep 23, 2019


Hephzibah Sigsmund Woisso

Sep 22, 2019

Yes. The message has power to deliver us from guilt. Here in John 15:3 is a revelation that assures us that the love of God is cuurenly to our lives. That we are already clean. This means we adopted the Jesus character in our life because we accept his Gospel. As we live in his words we adopt his sonship hood and to strength our relation to God. Be blessed for your devotion.

David Sampson

Sep 22, 2019

As He (Jesus) is the way, the truth and the life, He prepared every way and make it possible for us to reach His Father who is also our Fathers through Him (Jesus). The love of the Father to the son must be so strong and affectionate, specially to the obedience child. Yes, He loves me not because of my Faithfulness or by my good work, or that I am too perfect or righteous but because of the affection and intimacy, He uses His love to correct me. Thank my Heavenly Father, for the supernatural and unquenchable love you have for me and my families from the beginning to the eternity and as you assured me that nothing in this world shall be able to separate me from your love, I strongly believe that I will abide by your love forever in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen and Amen.

Solomon Chitra

Sep 22, 2019

Wonderful message, full of encouragement. Yes it's good to be patient before God. Praise God.

AYIKO Robert

Sep 22, 2019

Oh my God, thanks for that very interesting and very lovely article. I love Jesus.

Graham Hood

Sep 22, 2019

This is the most important message to those who have had a life of faith and those who are just beginning the journey Eli. There has been too much focus on some scriptures in churches that portray God as vengeful and vindictive. This is a gross falsehood about God. Satan would have us believe that God cannot be trusted; that he doesn't keep His promises. Jesus came to show us how simple God's love is even to the point of clarifying god's law in Matthew 22;36-40. 36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” If we could all get a handle on this and put it into practical use the gates of Heaven would be flung open wide. Very insightful Eli. Thanks so much for sharing.

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