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We hope you’ve enjoyed our reading plans on Youversion! Our mission at Good News Unlimited is to spread the Word across the world through simple and powerful gospel content. GNU doesn’t represent a church; we simply represent the essential truth of the Gospel with no boundaries or limitations. The Word Spreads Fast, and so do we.

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YouVersion Bible Reading Plans

GNU is pleased to partner with YouVersion to bring you our inspirational reading plans. Each reading plan includes a devotional reading and Bible readings for further study and reflection. You can access GNU’s reading plans online by clicking the images below. If you are on a mobile device, download the YouVersion app here and search for the reading plans by their titles.

good news blog
It’s About the Money

Mar 31, 2024

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inspiring stories
25 People Accept Jesus In Church They Had Tried to Prevent Being Built

Feb 16, 2024

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Why Hanok Left Life As A Fisherman To Do God’s Work

Feb 16, 2024

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“I Thought That I Would Die But Jesus Gave Me Another New Life”

Feb 16, 2024

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