2014 08 30 – Dr Desmond Ford – How to make Trouble Work for you – Turning Blitz into Bliss!
Aug 30, 2014 2785
Hi Richard I think you may have clicked on it while it was being uploaded to the website. Try again. It is working now. Grace and peace Eliezer
How can I watch your video? I clicked on '2014-08-30' titled "Trouble..into..blitz" in the video center but I got a message " the video was made private by the owner." What does that mean? What should I do? Please help!
Sep 1, 2014
Hi Richard, If you still have issues please cut and paste this address into your Browser https://goodnewsunlimited.com//www.goodnewsunlimited.com/2014-08-30-dr-desmond-ford-make-trouble-work-turning-blitz-bliss/ Best regards, Duncan