Unlimited: The Man Who Went Away Sad

May 28, 2024 2485

Unlimited The Man Who Went Away Sad

Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth (Mark 10:21–22, NIV).

A man ran up to Jesus, fell on his knees, and asked him what he had to do to have eternal life. Jesus told him to keep the commandments, and the man assured the Lord that he had kept them since he was young.

Perfect obedience! According to the religious ideas of the time, that should have been more than enough for this man to have eternal life. So, how did Jesus respond?

This man wrongly thought that he could obtain salvation by doing. Jesus goes along with this man’s wrong assumption, and he points him to the Ten Commandments. The man replies that he’s kept them all from when he was a boy.

But look at how tenderly Jesus treated him! Marks says that Jesus looked at him and loved him!

Jesus told this man he was still missing something. To tell a Jew in that time that perfect commandment-keeping was not enough was radically shocking!

Then he told him to go and sell everything he had and to give it to the poor and to follow him.

Jesus was saying that to inherit salvation, you must put God first, and to trust implicitly in Jesus. Jesus knew that this man was a wealthy man.

But this man wasn’t willing to put God above his wealth and then trust in Jesus to supply his needs.

Jesus wasn’t saying that in order to be saved that you have to sell everything you have and become a homeless beggar.

As with so many of Jesus’ sayings, it’s the principle here that’s important. The principle here is that you cannot let anything stand between you and God if you want to inherit life.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: Think seriously about this question: If Jesus asked you to, is there anything that you wouldn’t be willing to give up for him?

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Jun 8, 2024

So often I have 'got it wrong'. There was a time when someone said to leave what I was doing and 'Come back to Jesus'. It was a challenge as the preacher had done a terrible thing and caused me great suffering while covering their sin. They didn't know that I understood or that I had long ago forgiven them. I prayed about it. Stopped what I was doing. It followed that I couldnot pay the rent, cpuldnot get the little lawn mowed; had a dog to provide for; the power was switched off. I phoned the person who said, "You can't come here, love." (I had no intention of asking). I couldnot afford to move meagre furniture, motir scooter etc. Someone I didn't know offered to 'mind things for you' ended up stealing and selling everything. I found myself alone and on the street. A stranger hundreds of miles away took me in. People at an interstate University stayed in contact while I travelled hundreds of miles into the unknown. I resumed study and got a job with street kids. I became trapped in the area - and still am, 25 yrs later and struggle to face a world that seems to not love God. I feel lost. Hurt. *However, I have found throughout my entire life, that there is always a lesson or two or ...more to learn. That God in His Mercy comfirts me and urges me on when I no longer want to go on. I don't want to take another step. Don't want to see the day. But God. But God Who loves me so much always takes my faith in Him and turns things around. and or shows me all that I have that is His that I am blessed with. Yesterday, I sat on the verandah watching the slightest breeze moving the leaves in the trees, and looking at the hills in the distance, the sky seemed so peaceful. My dog happily relaxing or rolling around and although my current issue is not yet fully resolved, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The only thing that hinestly matters to me is that. God is at the helm, that although I feel weak at times, my faith isnot. Why? Because He strengths it. Thank You Jesus for Your Great Love. For seeing me through dark days and light. I may not always understand but I know I am Yours.You are mine. For Your Mercy. Amen.


Feb 5, 2021

If Jesus asked me to follow him I wouldn't Hesitate nor Complain about giving up anything for Jesus to follow him Amen?


Feb 4, 2021


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