Unlimited: The Sheep Will Be Scattered

Jul 19, 2024 1758

Unlimited: The Sheep Will Be Scattered

“You will all fall away,” Jesus told them, “for it is written: “‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered’ (Mark 14:27, NIV).

Jesus and his disciples left the room where they celebrated the Passover meal. They then walked past the Temple, out of the city, and then down into the Kidron Valley, and up onto the slopes of the Mount of Olives. This walk may have taken up to 40 minutes.

Jesus took this opportunity to tell them some final things that were of great importance.

Jesus is an optimist, so why would he tell them that they would all abandon him? Why not simply keep encouraging them?

It was because Jesus is a realistic optimist, and he knows that he had to get the disciples safely through the other side of the terrible events that are about to occur. Part of this process was to prepare his disciples by telling them what will happen.

Jesus is simply telling them the truth. He always tells us the truth, even when it isn’t what we want to hear.

It is also interesting to see how Jesus continues to build his disciples’ faith in him by appealing to the Old Testament. These work together. The more we trust in Jesus, the more we will trust in the Word of God.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: Take some time to think carefully about those times in your life when your faith in God has been stronger, and those times when it has been weaker. How has your faith been affected by the external circumstances of your life? What habit can you start today to help you be strong, and not “fall away” when the tough times come?

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Jul 30, 2024

Sadly, humans judge and exclude others. Cast out. The human heart is a monst'rous thing defiled by ego and self-interest that causes innocent lambs to suffer. But Jesus, lamb of lambs is the greatest discerner of all. The greatest crime of all is to abandon the sheep to the wolves, and then assume an indignant position in which to justify throwing Daniel into the pit. To falsely accused another, then turn them out is a wicked act of agency that contradicts all else. Father God, forgive them they know not what they do.


Jul 23, 2024

Heavenly Father is all I need, he's an imperishable source in my life, despite the trouble I will never stayed far away from his presence

Olivia Jeter

Jul 20, 2024

Continue calling on Jesus Christ though praise and prayer at all times don't give in and truly don't give up cause our Lord Jesus Christ lives within us, When times get tough I call on the one who loves me Jesus and he loves you to just call his name amen 🙏


Feb 20, 2024

In all things, thank The Creator. Thankfulness is strongest when it seems like it is the hardest to do. Ahoh

Pat Stickler

May 10, 2023

On the 18th December I loaned my car to my daughter's partner to take them to meet his Father and other family members to a Hotel where they always have a Xmas lunch. On the way back h was following 2 cars and took his eyes off the road and when he looked back up ran into the back of the them. My car was towed away and they finally got back here to pick up their car which finally didn't work 4 days later. I did have Car insurance so I got two quotes both over $11,000. I'm on a age Pension and have no savings. Finally in April I got finance for a car and currently pay $189 per fortnight. He had told my daughter he won't be paying off the loan as it's my fault for not having the car insurance. They are no longer together and she has a DV against him. I was full of anger and was determined to take him to court to pay it but a Christian friend of my daughter told me it wasn't Godly. I am full of shame now and won't be trying to get him. I got his mobile number from my daughter and sent him a message telling him I won't try to do so and that I forgive him and will be praying that he will help pay it off and that he would get some Mental Health help.


Apr 19, 2021


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